Simplifying Since 2000

Our Products

The most used, most trusted and most comprehensive online Workers’ Compensation legal resource tools in the industry.

Our Products

We offer a variety of services designed to streamline and simplify managing of workers’ compensation claims and insurance processes:

  • Simply Research

    Relied on by insurance professionals and employers alike, our resource guide is filled with current legal regulations and critical compliance issues, written in English, not legalese.

  • Simply Forms

    We’ve automated the essentials with a database of over 1,200 active jurisdictional claims forms ready to integrate directly into your existing claims management system.

  • Simply Claims Kit

    Our digital posting notice service comes complete with up-to-date pre-injury forms, post-injury documents and accompanying compliance summaries carriers and employers can brand with their company logo and use on websites and service portals alike.

Trusted by Over 1,000 Companies with a 95% Retention Rate.

" has been instrumental in my claims handling of multi-jurisdictions. I can easily access any jurisdiction and find useful information quickly. The "cheat sheets" are a wonderful resource that I can customize to meet my needs. The integrated "Simply Forms" provides immediate accessibility to the appropriate state forms as well. There is so much valuable information accessible in one location to help make claims handling much smoother.”

Amanda, JW Software